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Here you will find the Articles from our Email Campaigns for the Educational Series on Retirement.

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By Michelle Li September 23, 2019
Home Loans . . . To fix or not to fix?
By Saving for Retirement September 2, 2019
Despite frequent changes to its governing rules, superannuation remains, for most people, a tax-effective environment in which to save for retirement.
By Saving for Retirement August 26, 2019
Picture this... when you were 21 years old your well-meaning but financially inept uncle put $1,000 into an ordinary bank account for you with instructions to leave it there and "let the bank's interest turn it into a fortune". You followed his directions only to discover 30 years later the balance of your 'fortune' was a paltry $6,023! What went wrong? Well, to put it frankly, you didn't give it any attention.
By Saving for Retirement August 19, 2019
A Tale of Two Retirements – which would you choose?
By Saving for Retirement August 12, 2019
Transition to Retirement Strategy – down... but not out
By Saving for Retirement June 2, 2019
Once your mortgage and other financial commitments are manageable, it is usually time to put the pedal down on your super . Those prime income years, between age 40 and 50 in particular, should be used constructively. However, the task may not always be easy.

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